Yearly Archives: 2017

Do you believe in the God of the Bible? Great! Let’s go digging for gold. The Bible is full of priceless riches, and it even includes a treasure map. Still not satisfied? God has you covered. He sends His faithful servants to help us find the diamonds! I’m going to […]

Who wants to be a millionaire? (Part .000000001)

  In my Doves’ eyes post, I tried to just chart the doctrinal trajectory of this blog. I have provided almost zero Scriptural references so far in this blog, but today, the Lord being my helper, we’re going to blast off on an EXCITING mission of Biblical hermeneutics! Our destination: an understanding […]


The last post was basically my statement of faith, and I’m eager to get into more detail about that. However, today’s post is dedicated to those of you who thought, “I’m reading all your beliefs about salvation and such, but I’m not even sold on the existence of God.” I […]

A Divine Foot in the door

Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves’ eyes. Song of Solomon 1:15 I hope you like the illustration from our art department (my 8 year old daughter plus the interns (my 5 year old twin boys)). The Bible verse above is the only one […]

Doves’ eyes

    Are you sad? Are you mad? Are you scared? I would love to talk to you. Do you love talking about the Bible? Awesome! Do you feel like you can’t trust God anymore? I am truly sorry. Let’s talk about it. Are you an atheist? Come, let us […]

Hello world!