Yearly Archives: 2018

Dear friends, Start here. . Have you ever wondered? If you are like me, you have blown past verses like this one… [Psa 111:10 KJV] 10 The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do [his commandments]: his praise endureth for […]

The Fear of the LORD is your friend (Part 1)

Dear Friends, Hallelujah! It’s here! This is the last post in my 15-month attempt to rightly divide John 3:16. The bottom line: This verse tells us how to be overcomers. Do you want to be an overcomer? Then, my dear friend, please read on… . . Important stuff that we […]

Are you dying inside? (Part 3b)

Dear Friends, Although we are now surrounded by hostile forces, today’s topics are tacos, guacamole, and ice cream sandwiches. . . Important stuff that we are not discussing today I spent the past year talking about all the problems in Bible interpretation that arise when you insist that : Every […]

Are you dying inside? (Part 3a)

Dear Friends, I’ve been trying since September 2017 to biblically refute the popular notion that people become eternally saved from the lake of fire by choosing to believe a preacher / Bible verse, or by praying a certain prayer, or any other act of the human will. It’s been an […]

Are you dying inside? (Part 2d5)

Dear Friends, I presented my position on two Bible stories last time, and I know it was unconventional. My claims about saved unevangelized people definitely tend to raise eyebrows (and lengthy rebuttals) in the conservative Christian community. So, today, let us consider a more conventional take on one of the […]

Are you dying inside? (Part 2d4b)

Dear Friends, We’ve talked about how babies, the mentally handicapped, and unbelievers who show kindness to persecuted Christians can all go to heaven. It’s the same way that the most learned and zealous gospel preacher goes to heaven: by the blood of Christ. All of God’s children go to heaven […]

Are you dying inside? (Part 2d4a)

Dear Friends, It’s true…there are some people who are not disciples of Christ, but will nevertheless escape the fires of hell. My dear brothers and sisters: no exceptions are needed to explain this! . . A little bit about Living Stream Ministry I’m going to try to respectfully challenge a […]

Are you dying inside? (Part 2d3b)

Dear Friends, You do what you are. . . Another exception? In 2d, we have talked about how God saves babies and the mentally handicapped. The method I proposed applies equally to ALL of God’s children, whether babies, mentally handicapped, or the apostle Paul (see link to 2d1b in outline […]

Are you dying inside? (Part 2d3a)

Dear Friends, We are moving on from babies, and will discuss today the eternal prospects of the mentally handicapped. Spoiler alert: Their prospects are long as we properly interpret Scripture! . . The inconvenient ones In section 2d, we are talking about heaven’s “edge cases”. Many Christians believe that […]

Are you dying inside? (Part 2d2)

Dear Friends, This is the third and final baby post! I dropped hints last time, but today I’m pulling out all the stops. It is not Biblical to come up with different ways for different people to be saved from hell. If you have one way for babies and another […]

Are you dying inside? (Part 2d1c)