Dear Friends,
Theism has long seemed like a freebie to me. This quote (1) from evolutionary biologist (and perhaps the world’s most famous atheist) Richard Dawkins…
“Everything about biology has become almost a branch of information technology because DNA is so exactly like a computer language.”
…tells me that an intelligent Programmer, a transcendent, uncreated Mind, has written some code inside of me. From a simple logical perspective, it really shouldn’t be that hard.
So for now, I want to move on to the next logical question.
Open series outline: Going for the jugular- Intro post #1: Kickoff
- Intro post #2: Christ myth theory
- Intro post #3: Internet Infidels
- Habermas & Licona, Introduction, Post #1: Meet Gary
- Habermas & Licona, Introduction, Post #2: Meet Michael
- Habermas & Licona, Introduction, Post #3: They Saw Something
- Habermas & Licona, Part 1, Post #4: The Shockwave
- Habermas & Licona Part 1, Post #5: Saved From What?
- Habermas & Licona Part 1, Post #6: Jesus Claimed He Would Rise Again
- Habermas & Licona Part 1, Post #7: Why It's Going For The Jugular
- Habermas & Licona Part 1, Post #8: Washington Myth Theory
- Habermas & Licona Part 1, Post #9: History 101
- Habermas & Licona Part 2, Post #10: Our First Minimal Fact!
- Habermas & Licona Part 2, Post #11: Rumors Of The Bible's Obscurity Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
- Habermas & Licona Part 2, Post #12: If Your Mother Tells You She Loves You, Check It Out
- Habermas & Licona Part 2, Post #13: No, The Gospels Were Not Written Hundreds Of Years Later
- Habermas & Licona Part 2, Post #14: Clement Of Rome
- Habermas & Licona Part 2, Post #15: Polycarp
- Habermas & Licona Part 2, Post #16: The Seal of Blood
- Habermas & Licona Part 2, Post #17: The Seal of More Blood
- Habermas & Licona Part 2, Post #18: Meet The Scholars
- Habermas & Licona Part 2, Post #19: It was right under my nose
- Habermas & Licona Part 2, Post #20: Oh, so my brother really IS God
- Habermas & Licona Part 2, Post #21: My knees are shaking
- Habermas & Licona Part 2, Post #22: The Bible: It's not just for Christians anymore!
- Habermas & Licona Part 3, Post #23: Kicking the tires
- Habermas & Licona Part 4, Post #24: All together now?
- Habermas & Licona Part 4, Post #25: A red herring
- Habermas & Licona Part 4, Post #26: Moses the friendly ghost
- Habermas & Licona Part 4, Post #27: Consider the source
- Habermas & Licona Part 4, Post #28: Parthian shots
- Habermas & Licona Part 4, Post #29: We’re taking strange fire! Part 1
- Habermas & Licona Part 4, Post #30: We’re taking strange fire! Part 2
- Habermas & Licona Part 4, Post #31: We’re taking strange fire! Part 3
- Habermas & Licona Part 4, Post #32: Suspicious Minds
- Habermas & Licona Part 4, Post #33: Alien vs. Jesus
- Habermas & Licona Part 4, Post #34: A position statement disguised as an argument
- Into the woods...and the Way back home
- Yes, Jesus went there
- Ehrman, Post #1: Make this shot count
- Ehrman, Post #2: Everyone was dead
- Ehrman, Post #3: It's almost like monotheism is the logical choice
- Ehrman, Post #4: Admit you never saw a vulture rising from the flames or die
- Ehrman, Post #5: Is God going to melt like wax?
- Ehrman, Post #6: Less Hercules, more keeping up with the Joneses
Who is God?
Is God Allah? Is God the Trimurti? Is God more of a wallflower, like in deism?
I’ve always been taught that Jesus was God, and I’ve believed it for a long time, and continue to believe it to this day. But I’ve also had a desire to investigate this question from a historical perspective. In other words, without appealing to the divine inspiration of the Bible, what evidence do we have that Christianity is true?
I have spent a lot of time (2) listening to, and dialoguing with, atheists over the years, but I haven’t dug into other religions much.
I don’t have the bandwidth to investigate all religions…or even all the claims of Christianity.
So, I’ve decided to, in the words of Kenny from the film version of The Case for Christ, “go for the jugular”.
Did Jesus rise from the dead, or not?
My curriculum
To that end, I’ve chosen to read the following four books:
From a Christian perspective:
- The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas
From a skeptical perspective:
- How Jesus Became God by Bart Ehrman
- The Resurrection: A Critical Examination of the Easter Story by Jonathan M. S. Pearce
A bloggier blog
Instead of writing my usual series of long blog posts accompanied by my kids’ brilliant artwork, I’m minded this time to treat it more like an actual “blog”, i.e., a weblog. In other words, I want to provide a running account of my findings, rather than essays. I’m thinking shorter posts, but more of them.
I hope you will dig into this with me. I am super excited. Even my survey of the available literature, before I started reading any of it, was quite interesting, and I might make some comments about that as well.
God, please guide us through this study!
(1) Richard Dawkins Guardian interview
(2) Almost every time I engage with atheists, theism seems ever more rational
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Looking forward to it brother! The resurrection of our Lord and savior is the tenet of the Christian religion; mysterious and miraculous and cause for skepticism to multitudes.
Without His resurrection, the promise of ours would be baseless.
I’m reminded of the sweet prophecy of assurance that the resurrected Christ told Thomas – the doubtful one – after his affirmation that He had indeed risen from the dead (John 20:29)
Amen Mark. I do love that verse. Because we have not seen Jesus with our natural eyes, we have a unique opportunity to claim the blessing.
Looking forward to reading your thoughts and other’s comments!
Thanks for the extra motivation, Jan. I’m all fired up!
“Did Jesus rise from the dead, or not?”
The “honest” answer to that question, for now, will – at best – be agnostic.
Perhaps this will help…?