
Dear Friends, In my foolishness, I tried to write a series about the Problem of Evil without a post dedicated to Creation and the Fall. It didn’t work. Today, we discuss Genesis 1-3….and begin our transition from Why? to Who? . A mind-boggling story that begins to explain the world […]

Yes, but the cross (Part 3a)

  Dear Friends, I’m starting a new series about the Problem of Evil. Yes, it’s a big problem…but the Bible is big enough to handle it. My bottom line response to this problem, up front: The crucifixion of Jesus Christ. . What Is The Problem of Evil? Whether you have […]

Yes, but the cross (Part 1a)

The last post was basically my statement of faith, and I’m eager to get into more detail about that. However, today’s post is dedicated to those of you who thought, “I’m reading all your beliefs about salvation and such, but I’m not even sold on the existence of God.” I […]

A Divine Foot in the door